Page 40 - APED 2018 N1
P. 40

                       Second edition
   Do you have a way of working with chronic pain that is innovative and prize-winning?
Active Citizenship Network is launching the II EDITION of the “EU Civic Prize on Chronic Pain - Collecting good practices”. The aim is highlight existing good practices around Europe enriching experiences, expertise,
data and bench-marking on chronic pain.
The categories for the good practices are:
• Patients’empowerment
Good practices concerning:
laws, technologies, apps, devices, events, theatrical performances, etc.
• Clinicalpractices
Good practices concerning: providing information, campaigns, capacity-building for patients and their relatives, partnerships between patients’ organisations and other stakeholders
• Professional education
Good practices concerning: pain management (prevention, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring), dedicated units, therapeutic pathways, clinical records, ways of measuring pain, etc.
to empower patients so that they can understand their rights and make informed choices.
Undergraduate and postgraduate education for healthcare professionals, training courses in the hospitals/clinics, updating general practitioners, etc...
• Innovation
A Jury, composed of international experts on chronic pain (from universities, healthcare professionals and providers’ organisations, civic and patients’ associations) will choose the winners.
The winners will be given the opportunity to share their projects in a public meeting pain related and a publication in English in a suitable journal. Closing date for receiving your submission is 31 December 2018.
You can find the form to participate on
For further information write to Daniela Quaggia

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